20kWhr Li-On Battery back-up + 12kW 3-Phase Inverter Solution - Ladysmith KZN
Project Scope:
Turn-key engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of a battery back-up system to integrate an existing SolarEdge solar PV system that we had previously installed for client.
Scope also included re-wiring internal DBs to segregate critical and non-critical loads and optimise self-consumption of solar PV, and battery usage during load shedding. System allows solar PV to remain operational during load shedding by the Victron system frequency-shifting the grid-tied inverter.
3x 5kVA Victron battery inverter/chargers
20kWhr Li-On Pylontech battery storage
Location: Ladysmith, KZN
Completion Date: September 2019
Client Benefits:
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