2019 01 10 11.38.38 1024x768 1

Hybrid 13.5kWp Solar PV + 24kWhr Li-On Battery Storage Project

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Hybrid 13.5kWp Solar PV + 24kWhr Li-On Battery Storage Project

Project Scope:

Turn-key engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of a grid assisted off-grid hybrid solar PV + Li-On battery storage project. Included client DB re-configuration, grid-limiting control, remote monitoring, specialised slate roof mounting structures and fall arrest system requirements. System consisted of 40x solar PV modules and 10x Li-On battery modules integrated to deliver majority off-grid electricity supply throughout the year to customer with municipal supply only as a back-up.

Scope also included re-wiring internal DBs to segregate critical and non-critical loads and optimise self-consumption of solar PV, and battery usage during load shedding.

Capacity: 13.5kWp solar PV + 2kWhr Li-On battery storage + 10kW hybrid inverter technology

Location: Midrand, JHB

Completion Date: January 2019

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